Thursday, November 24, 2011


Sometimes, I find it hard to be thankful for all that I have when all I keep being reminded of each month is what I DON'T have. But really, on a daily basis, I'm reminded of all that I do have. One wouldn't imagine it would be so hard to find things to be thankful for.

Today, I was in the thick of everything I'm thankful for and everything I love the most. Originally, I was scheduled to work on Thanksgiving day. I let my family know and was so beyond disappointed. I have never worked on a major holiday once in my life. The thought of not being with my family was absolutely heart breaking. My grandfather has been building a house for the last 13 years and they are now finally living in the house and this was their first Thanksgiving in the house and I was going to be missing it. Then, a miracle happened. My job offered the option to work a split shift the Monday BEFORE Thanksgiving to have Thanksgiving off. I jumped on it! But, decided to keep it a secret from almost everyone. I told my Aunt Kris so she could make sure there was enough food and seating for us but everyone else was kept in the dark.

The day started with some kitty snuggle time. They really enjoy their new window seat. They can look out the window without destroying my couch. I'm so thankful that I have my kitties. They love me and I love them.

And then, we were off to Belfast. Words cannot describe how much I love my hometown. I always thought I hated it there...until I moved away. I'm so thankful that it's always there and welcoming me with open arms and God's great beauty.

THIS is one of the things I am most thankful for the in the world. The ocean. Standing on the shore next to the ocean helps me put things into perspective. I am small. God definitely knew what he was doing when he made me be born in a town by the ocean.

And, while we were smelling the smell of the ocean and enjoying our Christmas music on the car radio, the battery died! At first, I'll admit, I thought the old man parked next to us was kind of a creeper, but I was so thankful that he was there to give us a jump!

I'm real thankful for this guy. He's my rock, he's my opposite, he's my same. We're a match made in heaven. I love him with all that I have and I'm so thankful that God gave him to me!

My step dad Ken and my grandmother cleaning up after a terrific Thanksgiving dinner. I'm so thankful that I had my awesome family, delicious food to eat..and that they did all the clean up so we didn't have to lift a finger! I'm also really REALLY thankful that my grandmother brought me upstairs to listen to her Patsy Cline record! Yup, you read that right- RECORD! I've asked for a Patsy Cline record for Christmas and it's really all I want. She's meant to be heard on vinyl. *sigh*. I love her.

And then, we got to meet this little guy! Butterscotch. Freakin CUTE! I now have kitten fever.

I couldn't be more thankful that the Lord has given me and my husband good enough jobs that we can actually AFFORD to buy Christmas gifts for our friends and families! There are times that I get really upset with society when it comes to Christmas gifts. They play Charlie Brown Christmas EVERY year on tv...but do we really understand it's message? Our plan this year is to handmake as many gifts as possible. I really just want to spend the day with my family, eating, laughing, mean nothing. But...that doesn't mean I can't look :).

Ending with a beautiful evening snuggled in bed watching Elf. Heck yes- a great Thanksgiving. The best part? I get to do this all over again on Saturday.

I asked my husband to video us surprising my family. Even though his hand was in front of the lens the whole time, I really couldn't be more thankful for him doing it.

The turkey has hit me hard this year. I'm off to bed. Even though I'm not pregnant, even though we aren't expecting a little one next July, we DO have a roof over our head, food in our bellies, amazing friends and the best family anyone could ask for. I'd say, we have a LOT to be thankful for. I'm going to sleep well tonight.

It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Misty and Matt, We were so happy that you got to spend our first Thanksgiving in our new home. It wouldn't have been the same without you. A wonderful story you just told. We love you both very much. Feel free to come at listen to the old "records" anytime. Love you, Gram&Grampa.
