Monday, December 5, 2011

Why I crowd tap (and why you should too!)

Just in case you're wondering- I am a coupon queen. I LOVE a good deal. If I can get something for less than $5, you can be pretty damn sure I'm going to buy it :). But, what if I can get it for free? Even better!

At the beginning of the summer, I was introduced to Crowdtap. Since then, I've received free loufa sponges, free samples of tanning lotion, free BOTTLES of tanning lotion, free tampons and pads, free beach bags, free reusable grocery bags- LOADS of free stuff! Plus, I get the chance to help companies better themselves by offering my opinion. The best part? Not only do you get free stuff- they PAY you to do all this!

The best part? By getting all this free stuff, earning money to do it AND providing your opinion- a portion of what you earn goes to a charity of your choice! The charity I chose was one that helps to end child slavery in Africa and other countries. I have yet to redeem (because I don't have a whole lot of cash banked yet) but I'm SO excited for when I do (hopefully within the next few months!)

Soooo the question is- do you want to get free stuff, get paid for your opinion and help out some amazing charities? Click the link below to join :).


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