
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My upcoming week.

So, I've started my "chart" again. It's actually pretty exciting getting back into the swing of things. Taking temperatures every morning is a blast,  even charting my cervical mucus, although disgusting and I can't believe I'm admitting to doing that, is kinda fun. I've tried charting temps before and it has never worked. They've been ALLLL over the place. Up a little over 98 one day then down to the low 97's the next. It doesn't sound like much, but it makes a HUGE difference when charting for infertility. So far, my temps haven't been SUPER off because it's only been 2 days. My appointment with my Doctor is in less than a week and Matt's calling his back tomorrow and we're hoping that he won't even have to go in and he can just get referred to a specialist right away. He had an appointment with him earlier in the year and did all the pre requisits for a referral BUT we found out at the last minute that his insurance didn't cover it...blah blah blah, here we are, 8 months later and FINALLY getting him into a specialist. It's exciting to think that within a few months, within a year- we could be on our way to being parents. Holy Moly! We've accomplished so much with this journey and it's just beginning for us.

2012 is a fresh start. It feels really nice actually. I do plan on going back on Clomid (and, as much as I hate to say it, probably Provera) for this month, just to jump start everything...but after that- it will be as natural as possible for us. I've been reading a LOT about eastern medicine and how natural herbs can get your body "back on the right track". I've found the most amazing book and definitely plan on buying it. The easiest way to describe the book is this way: what happens in America when a river dries up? We open up the flood gates and poor water in from the dam. Problem solved right? Well, what about in China? They seed the clouds to create a more natural flow. They start with the source of the problem: the clouds. American's approach medicine the same way. Over a year ago I went to my doctor and told him my issue, and he "opened the flood gates" and gave me a Clomid prescription. This book explains a different approach: start with the source of the imbalance. What's causing the problem in the first place? Diet, weight, lack of activity, lack of vitamins...hormonal imbalance can be caused by a lot of different things and rather than just flood my body and force myself into ovulation, I'd really like to find the cause of the problem and fix it  naturally- by adjusting my diet, the way I sit, the amount of yoga I do (which needs to be increased exponentially), even down to the shampoo I use and how often I dye my hair. Matt, so far, isn't LOVING the new diet plan we're on but, we're taking this in baby steps.

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