
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Only a year left until next Christmas.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are just the most ultimate way to end the year. They are my favorite.

The inlaws opening their gift from us- tickets to see Bob Marley!

Snow fell slowly all day- sometimes in big chunks, sometimes in small flakes- but the sound of snow slowly falling to the ground is the best sound in the world. It was the perfect addition to the perfect day.

The signs of the season- christmas lights, chocolate covered pretzels, and a bottle of robitussin. Yup- the hubby was sick and so was I on Christmas day. But, after some medicine and lots of rest, we are now feeling better!

2011 Holiday Card!

and check out this grin huh? What a great way to spend the holidays :).

And a helper. I don't think I opened a single gift by myself thanks to this sweet face. It was awesome! She even took care of the wrapping paper for me!

Despite being sick, having to work on Christmas day (yes, you read that right), the snow causing slippery roads on the way HOME from work- it was amazing. We got everything we asked for and more. But, even if we never opened a single present, even if we never spent a whole day decorating our Christmas tree, even if we never lit one single strand of Christmas lights- this was the Christmas we asked for. Perfect, simple, full of love and laughter.

And now, as I write this, it's freshly 2012. I'm wide awake and almost 3:45 am and have been wide awake for over an hour. My stomach is upset and I'm laying on the couch watching Roseanne...not that I have any complaints about Roseanne but I sure wish my stomach felt better. I also wish I had slept for more than 3.5 hours. But, it's ok. I refuse to take this as a sign to come for the new year. 2012 is going to be great. I can sense it.

My resolution for this year is to be healthy: physically, mentally and spiritually. I understand that the term "healthy" can be pretty subjective. All I want is to feel good about my body, my state of mind and my relationship with God. There are times when I question WHY this had to happen to us. Last night I was laying in bed, praying that 2012 would finally bring us a baby...and I started thinking about why us. Then I realized- this whole experience is molding us into the type of parents we'll need to be: patient, strong, comforting, open with our emotions, less controlling. Of course, this is all probably just a small part of why WE are going through this and not someone else...but, to be honest, this is really hard. REALLY hard. Infertility takes it's toll on you- physically, mentally and spiritually. It's not something you could understand unless it's actually taken you more than 6 months to make a baby. There comes a time when you just want to give up but you know if you give up, you'll never have a baby. About 1 in 10 couples under the age of 35 struggle with infertility and if it had to be anyone that deals with this- I'm glad it's us. I wouldn't wish this on any other couple we know.

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