
Saturday, February 11, 2012

6 months.

6 months. That's exactly how long it's been since I saw THIS on an ovulation test. No Clomid, no Provera, just good old fashioned healthy eating and prenatal vitamins (and of course, extra vitamin D). Yay! Happy dance! (like, legit. Happy dance. In the kitchen. With the cats.)


As we speak, we're watching King of the Hill. It took me a long time to find this show funny because I didn't understand the dry humor...but now I get it- it's not really supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be dry. Of all the episodes they could play, they played 3 episodes about Hank and Peggy trying to get pregnant. My favorite part is when Hank finds out he has a narrow urethra and that's why he has a low sperm count (8 million which he was proud of until he found out it's supposed to be at 100 million lol) and his dad says "I ain't got a narrow ureti! He gets that from his mother! Mine's so damn wide I could pass the child MAHSELF if I had too!" bahahahahahaha as sensitive as I am about infertility and horrible jokes, I really do appreciate a good one. and THAT is a good one :).

New status update: ovulating: do not disturb.

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