
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Monday was uneventful for me. I've said it before- Mondays are a good day. Lately, I've been needing alone time. Everyone needs it every once in a while. I have a LOT of thoughts racing through my mind that I needed to sort out and it felt good to have the alone time to do it. We have lots of plans over the next few months and I needed to think how I felt about them, how to make them work and, of course, how freakin excited I am about them. Of course, they are all still a secret until d-day comes and we make huge announcements everywhere...and who knows when that will be. But for now, I'll take my Mondays and eat them with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top please.

The day started as it usually does: kitties stretching in a sun beam while I listen to Joni Mitchell.

Don't mind the obnoxious cords stretched across the floor. My dream is to live in a world where everything is cordless.

I bought Matt and I matching shirts at JC Penny the other day- $2 a piece. We <3 Dairy Queen. Heath Dilly Bars= ammmaaaazzinnggg.

While Matt was at work, I was busy at home making his Valentines gift ;).

And then he came home...sick as a dog.

Let's just hope it's not a communicable disease or I am sccreeewwweeedddd.

I made the hubby a delish dinner- Filet Mignon, salad, corn and rice. Homemade Ranch dressing on the salad! YUM!

Ever meet someone that eats salted cucumber peels? you just did. BOOM.

Spork, enjoying a freshly made bed.

As usual, an uneventful Monday filled with the things I love <3.

Valentines day was SUPER low key for us. And by "low key" I pretty much mean nonexistant. Hubs is sick so we stayed in and watched tv. We ate Mac and Cheese for dinner (yes, it was gluten free and yes, it was disgusting) and watched Seinfeld. He felt so bad for being sick. He says he'll make it up to me and I'm excited to see what he has in store :). As much as I want to be one of those "Valentines day is a Hallmark holiday" type of people...I'm just not. I love it. I love love and I think that love needs a day of celebration. We can love all year long...but can't we just have one day a year when we are devoted solely to celebrating love?


Oh, and can I just say- I'm so grateful that the days are starting to get longer.

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