
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sea of Love.

Heard this song tonight and could think of no one else but my husband.


He makes me happy. Whole big bunches of happiness.

My husband is my passion. He is my everything. I don't need a million dollars or a million Facebook friends to make me happy. This weekend is going to be completely Facebook free. Every once in a while, I go through this "omg facebook is so fake" phases and I'm currently in one. It's just...fake. People post fake photos of their fake happy lives, fake statuses- give it a rest people. I'm going to go out and make real connections in the 3 dimensional world. This is going to be amazing. Maybe I'll go longer than 3 days.

You know, it's funny- but I hardly remember what life was like before Facebook. I guess that's not really funny is it?

It's actually kinda sad.

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