Monday, February 27, 2012

A week on the couch.

Got to know my couch pretty good this last week. Thanks to this terrible cold that I caught and have been fighting off, I spent an entire week out of work watching stupid tv shows. Ok, I confess- I watched pretty great tv shows :). Here's my week in photos:

My aresenal. It did it's job for the most part- I'm left with the worst sinus infection ever!

Sadly, this was not my waking temp. But, it was my "middle of the day" temp. Low grade fever ALL week long.

In case you didn't know- I'm a pom advocate. We have Pomegranate juice in our house at all times. It's very hard to find the actual fruit but I did a few months ago and ate the thing for a week. SO yummy! Everyone should go buy some juice (I recommend the light because it's not as dry)

On top of this illness, I've been throwing up sporatically for the past 5 days. Chocolate milk ALWAYS settles my stomach. Not sure why but it works like a charm!

Anyone want a highfive? Guess what this show is. It's one of my favorites and it's almost never on TV! And yes- we display our cake topper as art. That thing cost us $40! We're definitely displaying it forever! p.s. the bride is pinching the grooms butt :).

The first night I was up all night getting sick and this little guy stuck it out with me watching old Teen Mom episodes. He's awesome!

Winter returned this weekend. It was a nice visit but I'm always glad when it goes home.

Riding to Dixfield can be extremely boring but very pretty. Despite traveling through some not so pretty towns, my general feeling about the ride is- one of the prettiest you'll ever take.

This is me rocking out to Hey Jude. Obviously it's the end of the song.

The rewards when you get to Dixfield are always pretty sweet.

This is Ellis' pizza. The best pizza in the world.

Almost died when I saw this. Yes- it's ceramic. Yes, it still plays. Yes, I'm in heaven.

Been wondering if these exist- turns out, they do :)

Listening to one of my favorite live albums today...on Spotify.

Not a whole lot going on today either. I lose my voice pretty easily so I'm laying low on the couch for the day. I did call my doctor to see if I could get some more antibiotics for this killer sinus infection.  But other than that, I plan on snuggling up on the couch with lots of blankets, some chocolate milk and a nice lunch...and of course, some Patsy Cline :).

1 comment:

  1. This may totally not be manly... But Designing Women is a good show.
