Monday, April 23, 2012

We've tried it.

I saw this online and just HAD to fill it out :). I guess I'd change the title to "our semi natural approach to getting pregnant- the cheapest way possible". It's so awesome. (You should note I say that sarcastically). This month I have plans to make an appointment with an acupuncturist. Just because I'm on a TCM kick currently and it's all about acupuncture. Plus, who knows- it might work?

OH and that "drink some wine and go parking" advice- from my fricken nurse practitioner! Yeah, there's a reason I stopped going to that doctor. They were both morons. Waste of my time! She also gave me Provera and told me I'd be pregnant by the end of the month (she clearly has a very poor understanding of what Provera does and how the female reproductive organs work!). So yeah, she was a waste of my time. 

I don't think I could give Preseed a higher recommendation. To ANYONE who is trying to get pregnant (or just wants to use a pretty sweet lube) try preseed. But, if you are super fertile, be careful. It's modeled after womens fertile cervical mucus so you may get pregnant again :). 

I don't think I could spend enough time complaining about the "bad advice" section of this. It's hilarious to hear some of the advice I get about trying to get pregnant. "Just relax" is one of my least favorites. Elevating my hips is definitely a piece of advice found only on the internet. Won't say I haven't tried it but you know, definitely a mood killer! We're laying there, all sweaty and I've got my legs up in the air with my ass over my head. (BTW, that was probably TMI. Sorry about that!) It's never worked so I just stopped lol. There are some women who can't afford the preseed (which btw it's only $20 a bottle. If you can't afford that, don't be making babies please), so they drink Robitussin. They use it because it expels your mucus and helps create fertile cervical mucus. I would NEVER ever ever ever do that! That is just so disgusting. Plus, I took it once when I had a cold and it made me super sick! So please PLEASE if you are trying to get pregnant- do NOT take Robitussin. It is so unhealthy.

So yeah, we sort of stopped with the whole "drug taking" after Clomid seriously messed up my vision. We're definitely sticking to doing this as naturally as possible from here on out. Clomid does have some vision side effects that I was warned about and they didn't really effect me at the lowest dose (other than making me SUPER hormonal) but once he doubled my dose up to 100mgs, I was done for. I started seeing spots in front of my eyes (still do), I suffered from palinopsia (still do in low light), started having blinding migraines (and by "started", I mean "they got worse times a million"), and I started seeing what I call "staring colors" (you know how you stare at something for a long time and then look away and you see the opposite color in that objects same shape? I had it all the time- even when looking at something for just a second). So, I stopped taking Clomid after one solid year. 

Just so you can get an idea of how much I really, truly hate Clomid, feel free to click on this link and read what this woman has to say about the pill. 

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