
Monday, May 28, 2012


"Hate is a strong word". People used to say that to me all the time and, for a time, I believed them. Not so much anymore. I say it all the time. "I hate when the sun is in my eyes" or "I hate that I can't have REAL pancakes for breakfast" or "I hate when bacon is too crispy"...I do. I hate all those things. They are more than a mild inconvenience (although I would also categorize them as first world problems)...they are covered in my hatred for them. 

I started reading Kelle Hamptons blog about a year ago and was in LOVE with it. I read every post thinking "wow, she is so real"...and then one day I thought "or is she?". Every post is covered in glitter, perfect moments with her daughters- nothing bad happens to these people. I started googling "Kelle Hampton annoying" or "I hate Kelle Hampton" and I DID stumble on a few blogs of people who had the same feelings as me- where are the REAL moments where her kids are sick and it actually keeps her from taking adorable photos of them in expensive clothes? I hate it! Where are the REAL moments of her life? Something more than her perfectly applied red lipstick and perfectly done hair with her perfectly matching $500 outfit...I needed more than that. 

I found it. I found a blog full of hatred for Kelle Hampton. FULL. I read a few posts thinking "wow this chick is right on!" as she blabbered on about how Kelle was really just looking for validation. Just some positive comments that say "yes, your life is perfect and I wish it was mine". So, I kept reading. There were several posts about Kelle Hamptons blog and how fake it all is. How she doesn't read the posts or look at the photos- she reads the comments of people fawning over Kelle and telling her how perfect she is. I did laugh at a few of her posts until it hit me.

This girls blog isn't just about hating Kelle Hampton. It is ALSO about needing validation. Needing someone to tell her "You're right! Kelle Hampton is fake and you're SO REAL!". She needs to feel that people agree with her just like the rest of us. She needs compliments too...only she needs them for hating something. I stopped reading after a while because it was TOO negative. And really, I'd rather have something be too positive than too negative. Which, if you know me in any sense, you know that I myself am NOT 100% positive even 10% of the time.

I don't know why I'm posting this. Probably for some sort of validation. Maybe to say that I don't hate Kelle Hampton...but there are times when I need a break from her consistent "Positive Polly" outlook on life. I do relate to her very little- she had a miscarriage before having her DS daughter. A small sign of infertility...but other than that, her life does seem pretty perfect. I'm sure it isn't...but she paints it that way. When I need a break from her, I step away for a while...but sometimes, I need some inspiration so I visit Kelle's blog. I can't imagine myself visiting the "I hate Kelle Hampton" blog on a regular basis. I guess I'm posting this to say simply that I appreciate the positive and the not so positive. I understand both.

Being real on a blog is hard. There are definitely moments in my life that I'd rather not share with the world (like fights with my husband, pelvic exams in the doctors office or me puking every morning for a week or the million and one other issues I have going on in my life). I try to be as real as possible but sometimes, I don't feel like I am. I'm going to try and be a little more real on here- showing 50/50. 50% negative, 50% positive. 

Now, onto tackle the family BBQ I have ahead of me today. It's going to be a good day- my hands smell like coffee and I've got a homemade iced coffee next to me on the table. There's a chance I made it a little too strong...ok, WAY too strong. 


  1. your blog is really hard to read; I had to highlight it to read the well-written text. Now Kelle Hampton is annoying leads to you. Monetize it!

    1. It's not hard to read on my computer. I'd check your settings if I were you. No one else has ever complained about it either.

  2. You kind of have to wonder why people blog at all. If it's not for some kind of validation then what is it? Kelle's blog is a little too perky for my taste, but I like her photography. The 'I hate Kelle' blogs posts are better-written (at least, more to my taste than Kelle's glossy, magazine-ready style) but overall, what is the point of any of this? People crave attention. And that is all. I highly doubt most of us are blogging to make the world a better place or to contribute to mankind's evolution.

  3. Kelle Hampton is just more than annoying, she is totally fake and treats her children as performing monkeys in her quest for self validation. I do not hate her, I feel very sad for her and even more so for her children.
