
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend.

So you know how you make ramen noodles and they get too hot (every time) so you add an ice cube to it to even it out? Yeah, that's about how our Memorial Day weekend was. Saturday- great day. We went to Bangor to run some errands, stopped at a yard sale on the way home. My friend Sierra FB'd me and said she was going to be in town so she stopped over with her little miss (who you'll see below. OMG you'll die from the cuteness- just a warning!) and then we spent the rest of the evening having a bbq and just hangin out. Sunday I had to work but only a half day and then I came home and we had yet another BBQ and enjoyed the sunshine. Matt did have to work on Monday but I had plans to go to my grandmothers for a cookout with my family. And then, that's when things got shaky. I was exhausted all day on Saturday, most of the day Sunday and pretty much all day Monday. But I was pretty relaxed so it didn't bother me too much. Monday afternoon I went to head to my grandmothers and guess what? (cue the ice cube) A FLAT TIRE! No I'm not kidding people. This is our second flat tire in a month. The second tire that was completely ruined and we had to buy a new one. Needless to say, I was fuming pretty much all day long. I did, however, learn to love my AAA membership by the end of the day. OH and BTW, on Tuesday- I lost my voice completely at work and haven't been able to really speak since Tuesday afternoon. I've been sleeping also since Tuesday night (basically) and my throat feels like sandpaper rubbing together. Sooo yeah, pretty chilly bowl of ramen if you ask me!

Long story short, here's my weekend in photos. This coming weekend is gearing up to be boring as hell. The good news though is that I finally fixed my car radio and can now listen to music on the way to work! BONUS!

Miss Lila! She's a cutie patooti I tell ya!

Great Grammie: I'm dizzy. When you get older your eyes move. Me: are you sure you're not hung over? Great Grammie: Well this is just straight Cola.

My grandmother has a turtle smile. It's classic.

My hubby having a conversation with his mom!

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