Monday, June 11, 2012

Our weekly update :).

This weekend was basically perfection. My step sister graduated highschool (I officially feel ancient. No wait, that'll be next year when Connor graduates. Right now I just feel really old. Next year at this time though, I will officially be ancient. Get ready for it.) My family came to Maine from Nova Scotia (I definitely want to go back to Cape Breton for a bit. Definitely.) OH and I finally ate a lobster! Well, in roll form but still. It was a whole lobster :). Later this summer I do have plans to go back to the lobster pound and get myself a whole hardshell lobster and make a complete pig of myself (something I'm quite good at!).

Our weekend started Saturday with a trip to the lobster pound :). We sat right on the ocean and enjoyed the cool breeze and hot sun while we pigged out on lobster :).

You must know that my love for mussels is SUPER super huge. I mean- big big love!

Saturday night we did go back to my parents house for a few drinks and a few laughs...and more than a few roasted marshmallows! 

I had to work on Sunday morning but was able to get out early so I could go to Svea's graduation party. It was such a blast! Live band, good people and more than enough food!

The ride to Svea's house is extra pretty!

Summer time=freckle time!

A Belfast staple- the red and white striped building.
Now that instagram time is over- time for the REAL pictures :). Enjoy!

We made a quick stop out to my cousins house to celebrate this cuties 1st birthday!

Is his smile contagious or WHAT?!

The first time we've all been together since 2005!

My favorite :) Definitely getting printed!

Meet little miss Lilly. Adorable and personality to match!

I ask you- why not?

It's not over yet! Family is still here and today (hopefully the car will be fixed soon!) I'll be going over to my parents house for some more fun times and laughs. 

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