
Friday, June 22, 2012

This week.

The more I think about how life is coming together for us lately, the more I want this to be the month for us. The more I need it. 

Things have finally come almost full circle for us. I got a new job closer to home that I start on July 2nd. It will be nice to not have to drive 2 hours (one way) to work and to leave 12 hour days behind me. I'll also have better days off (M-F) and all federal holidays off (no working on Christmas day for me this year! YAY!). It's finally our time to enjoy each other again. I've missed him so much.

About 10 different people announced pregnancies this week. I'm drowning in announcements. This weekend I'm cutting ties with Facebook and getting away from it all for a while. Ever since all these announcements started, EVERYTHING is about babies. And I do mean everything. Commercials, tv shows, songs, people I see in the street, people I hear on the phone at work, shopping in stores...maybe I'm just noticing it more because the want to have a baby is extremely strong this month...but really, it's everything. Everyone is having babies again and it just makes me want it even more for us.

Tomorrow I had plans to go to the beach all by my lonesome in the morning and soak up some sun....but my husband has informed me that it's supposed to rain so I may end up just staying home and working on some Pinterest projects that I've been saving for a rainy day. I found some pretty cool coloring pages on line (which sounds totally lame I know...) so I may just spend tomorrow coloring :). I just need some me time.

I have a lot to make peace with this month. The best way to do that is to crank some good tunes and create something.

My hubby took me out to dinner when we found out I got the job. What a pretty view we had  <3

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