
Sunday, July 1, 2012


July is here and full of hope. 

Let's start off by saying- I no longer work for TD Bank and I officially start my new job tomorrow. I'm a little nervous but trying not to think about it too much. There is too much greatness to focus on the negative. I try not to focus on the negative too much anyway. 

It is the start of this new job that has filled us with so much hope. Life is falling perfectly into place (or at least it seems to be) and we're finally starting to have a "normal" life.

The other day I got the mail and all of this was waiting inside for me:

I still don't know how to respond to this. But, I did sign into instagram to take a photo of it for FB (obviously) and this was the first thing that popped up in my instgram feed:

Tonight, I signed on FB to stalk some people and prepare my thoughts for this blog post and I see this first thing when I sign in:

Do I have doubt in my heart? I suppose I still do. I'm thinking it's probably best for me to lose all doubt completely and just pass this on to God to deal with (a promise I've made to myself a million times but can't seem to follow through with). I just need to believe that this WILL happen for us. There is a difference between believing something will happen and trying to will something to happen. I'm not saying that I'm taking all of these things at face value. For now, I'm going to take it as a reminder that we want a baby and we will have a baby eventually. It's just going to take some time...and faith.

In other news I think I found my soul mate. It's a cat on instagram. She's on #mistybitch (a nickname several people have given me in the past) and she's gray and kind of a tank ass. She is me as a cat. 

This weekend has been either excruciatingly hot or torrential downpour. In between the downpours, we did some yard saleing. We left with a new serving tray (which we're going to hang on the wall), some new salt and pepper shakers, the movie ET and some new records. We did NOT, however, find a pickling jar. If anyone can tell me where I can get a medium sized pickling jar (for under $5...and isn't already full of pickles) can you please let me know! THHHAAANNKKSSSSS!

Now that my update is over, I think I'm going to go to bed (yes it's 9pm. Don't judge). I've been pretty sick for the past couple weeks and I'm still sleeping it all off...or at least trying too. I can't get enough sleep lately. Lucky for me- my bed is super comfortable :)!

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