
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

God is good.

Since changing jobs, our health insurance has been ALL out of whack. There was a time when we thought we wouldn't have any insurance until OCTOBER!

But, God (and my husband) came through again and, it looks like we'll have insurance by the end of the week! Finally, things are starting to come together. Before, with our insurance coverage, Matt was never able to get in to get tested for anything because the insurance would let him test without a specialist but the hospital wouldn't. And guess what? It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get an appointment with a specialist unless you have a referral from your doctor- which his wouldn't do. SO, we wasted a LOT of time and money with that go round. Then, his insurance through his work wouldn't cover the test at all. So, basically- this is our moment :). His new insurance through his new job covers infertility (mine doesn't) and we'll be set from here on out! (as set as premium/high deductible insurance goes)

So, needless to say- things are finally coming together. Matt has an appointment already lined up for the end of this month and we're hoping that we can get him tested asap! This is truly a blessing from above. It felt like this whole baby thing was never going to happen and now, it feels like there is a light at the end of our tunnel- FINALLY!

We are blessed. Through and through.

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