
Monday, July 16, 2012


July 16, 2005. Seems so long ago now...but I guess, in the grand scheme of things, 7 years is nothing. Just a stitch in the tapestry of time.

7 years ago today, Matt and I went on our first mom and my stepdads wedding. The start of our new lives. 

Perfect <3

And now, here we are, 7 years later- still improving our lives. Life is good. We spent the weekend being lazy (which, in my opinion, is the best way to spend a weekend!)

This is only his 2nd or 3rd low tide seaglass/shell hunt <3

He found a whole quahog clam! Sadly, it was empty.

O.P. trying to decide if he wants to go outside or not!
I've been listening to this song for like 3 weeks straight. It always reminds me of Matt when I hear it. (you have to listen to it on youtube though. booooo)

Now that I have my new job, we're finally getting back into a normal routine. I have to say, there was a bit of an adjustment period for me being home before 7:00! But, we've gotten into it now and it's actually pretty....normal? This upcoming weekend is going to be amazing and the weekend after that will be EXPLOSIVELY fun! (no, for real! 2 parties to go to!!!!) 

Matt has his first appointment in 9 days. 9 DAYS people. Just to be clear- he probably won't get tested right away because, he has to tell the doctor what's up and he has to order the tests. I'm nervous. I'm nervous that there won't be anything wrong with him and there won't be anything wrong with me. I know that sounds horrible probably but I'd rather there be something wrong that we can actively treat than nothing. Once Matt is tested, I plan on finding another OB doctor. I don't feel like I've had enough tests done to really tell me what could possibly by the issue. I've decided, if my new doctor orders me to take Clomid, I'm going to. I didn't want to (just because of the debilitating headaches) but I'm going to do it anyways. Anything to help. I can do another 3 months of Clomid (I haven't taken any since October) and, I'm going to go to the eye doctor JUST to make sure the constant flashes in front of my eyes aren't anything serious (yup, I still get them!). Whoever would have thought that making a baby would be so physically and emotionally draining? Why can't it just be fun for us like all the normal couples in the world? Why were we dealt this hand? I guess we'll never know. One day, maybe it will make sense but right now, I'm completely confused by all of this. 

Anyways, I've got to get back to snuggling my hubby.

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