
Sunday, July 29, 2012

A new dance.

What seems to be the emotionally hardest part of our dance is over.

Nothing helped us get pregnant but love. No Clomid, no pills for Matt, no Provera...just love. We are blessed. Honestly though, even though we've been at this for over 2.5 years, you probably could have blown me over the morning I saw the positive test. I mean literally, I was shocked. Matt was shocked. I woke him out of a dead sleep to tell him. I never planned on telling him the way I did. I had all these planned out ways of telling him we were pregnant but this is how I told him. I got the test, ran into the bedroom, shook him awake and smiled at him. And he knew. And we both just sat on the couch in complete and utter amazement. We are still in kind of a surreal state and we've known now for a couple of weeks. We are about 8ish weeks along (although baby seems to be measuring slightly smaller according to the US woman I talked to the other day...which I'll get to later) and, it's not really a secret anymore. So I figured, it was time to let the WHOLE world know. We're pregnant!

We had a bit of a scare the other night. I woke up with EXTREME back pain. I went to the bathroom thinking something wasn't right and my stomach was hurting. I threw up a few times and started getting cold sweats. I could barely walk from the pain. I went down into the bedroom and told Matt we needed to go to the ER. The whole time I was praying "please please please don't let this be a miscarriage". We got to the ER and they wanted a urine sample. I was afraid to go to the bathroom. Afraid of what I'd see. But, there was nothing. I didn't even have to freaken pee! They ran a BUNCH of tests and sent me home saying it was just "normal back pain". Let me tell you people- it was not normal back pain. They sent away for an emergency US the next day and told me to come back. I went back and there was my little baby...well, actually it was a yolk sack and a little blinking line. Healthy as can be! They said the pain and vomiting likely came from a cyst that ruptured on my uterus (which was there before) and I'm thinking it probably ruptured from all the growing this baby is doing! 

my first belly picture at apprx 7 weeks! don't mind our messy dresser!

Aside from the slightly scary stuff, things have been good. We're settling into the idea and have some great names picked out. Of COURSE they aren't traditional but I'll give you a hint: Boys name starts with A and girls name starts with L. They are also both musical names :). So yeah, good luck with that! 

I have felt better though. Seriously? Throwing up every time I eat a meal? Does it really need to happen? I threw up a freakin DQ blizzard last night and was so sad about it :(. Also, I constantly sleep, CONSTANTLY go pee and oh yeah, have I mentioned that I'm sick as hell all the time? I'm also fairly certain my brain has turned to mush. People tell me it will end soon...and I hope they are right! Although, a piece of me loves it :). People have asked me if I want a boy or a girl and honestly, as long as it's healthy, I could really care less. I have absolutely NO intuition about what it could be although Matt seems to think it's a girl. We have nursery themes picked out for both though :). AND one for twins...just in case. 

We are easily the happiest we have ever been and cannot WAIT for March to get here so we can meet our little sprout!

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