
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pregnancy: a list of favorites and least favorites.

There are many things I love about being pregnant. There are also a few things I've found I'm NOT as fond of...but I'm sure, every woman, no matter how hard she tries to get pregnant or for how long, has at least a short list of things she's not so thankful for :). I always told myself I'd be thankful for each and every symptom...and to a degree I am. Morning sickness tells me that my baby is still in there and probably healthy (even though I, myself, feel like the most disgusting human being on the planet at that moment). So here it is: my list of favorites and least favorites. 

Knowing that, even though life has changed a lot already, it's going to change even MORE in just a few months!
Not having to clean the cat box!
When my husband rubs my belly.
Looking at cute baby clothes.
Planning out the babies nursery.
Wondering if it's a boy or a girl.
Getting my "pregnancy status" email updates :)
Having fun food cravings all day long (for example, yesterday I wanted McDonalds breakfast so bad I could almost TASTE the hot cakes in my mouth!)
Taking naps on weekends.
Having people tell us congratulations.

Least Favorites.
Vomiting almost every day (Just this morning, my 3 day streak of not vomiting ended)
The unbelievable muscle spasms I've been getting in my lower back.
Nasal congestion. To the MAX.
Pregnancy brain! (it IS real!)
Not knowing if it's a boy or a girl!

That's really it. There are a LOT more things that fill my mind on a daily basis. Like will the baby be cute, will it be sick, will it be born on St. Patricks day, will it like to play sports, will it like art, will they like peach blossom candy, will they fully understand the meaning and importance of the name we have picked for them? Obviously, it won't know or do all of those things when it's born so I guess I'll have to be patient- I'm used to that though ;). I plan on making a few of my own onesies. AND a blanket for my little sprout. But, only once we find out what we're having. Which isn't all the way until October/November! But, that's ok :). Worth the wait!

My 7 week belly. Slowly but surely!

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