
Monday, August 6, 2012

Morning Sickness- the battle may be over!

I currently have Zofran dissolving in my tummy. I am a happy girl! My morning sickness has been RELENTLESS. All day, every day. I can't even keep a glass of freaken water down. And what I can keep down, isn't exactly healthy. But, it's been pretty tasty, I won't lie! 

I had to break down and get some Zofran. Last week I called my Doctor BEGGING for something to provide relief. Anything but gingerale and crackers (I've had my fill thank you). They gave me B-Natals and these little pre natals with ginger in them. Let me tell you- both of them did nothing. People told me the B-Natals wouldn't work but I wanted to give them a chance anyways. Everyone was right! The prenatals would help me get through the night but come the next morning, I was up by 5:00am tossing my supper. I tried them for a week (which I feel is sufficient) and they did nothing so, I called today and got me a Zofran prescription. I'm very happy with my decision. I'm not even kidding when I say that last week, the smell of a cardboard box had me gagging. I've always been kind of a wussy about that kind of stuff anyways but seriously, this is nasty stuff people! There are things about pregnancy that I knew would happen...I just didn't know how bad they'd happen. Like a nasal congestion. Who would have thought?! It's like the worst head cold! I sneeze ALL the time and honestly, I think that's what is causing so much of my morning sickness. Oh well- it's worth it in the end and I don't want to complain. I want to enjoy even the worst parts :).

Here are some photos of the past couple weeks! (I realize updates have been sparce. Forgive me- I've been sleeping!)

THIS is from an IV that never even got used! It's still bruised almost 2 weeks later!


Our baby's first shirt! Obviously they are gong to be a Red Sox fan :). From Nana and Bampa Colby!

And now for something totally random. Seriously!? I love living in Waldo County!

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