Sunday, December 16, 2012

26 Weeks!

I am officially 26 weeks! Only about 14ish weeks to go! We are both busting at the seams (in my case, you are free to interpret that literally) to meet our little girl :).

We are beginning our road to home ownership in a new way- on a much smaller scale than either of us really want...but, it's a first step and I really think it will benefit us in the long run. We spent a chilly Saturday morning at Modular/Mobile home place in Belfast talking with them about what we want/can afford and then taking a very cold tour to see what we like best. It will only be for a couple years and then we can build our dream home for us and Layla. Honestly, I'm thrilled about the idea of no longer renting. I should literally just take my money and flush it down the toilette each month- it would have about the same effect!

Anyways, today has been a very productive day for me (although quite painful on the back). This morning I wrapped probably 20-25 gifts, I made/finished probably 4-5 more and I also put up the rest of our Christmas decorations. This was after spending practically all day yesterday in Bangor fighting with traffic. It's been a long busy weekend. But, a productive one so I guess that's a good thing! I still have a few things to finish up on and then I'll be DONE for another year! YAY!

Bought this tanktop on sale for $4. I'm pretty happy with it!

Basically, I look down and this is what I see!

Unless I bend over a bit. Then I can see my toes still peeking out. And when I say "a bit" I mean, "almost all the way"

My aunt came over with a few things for Layla today and this kitten was one of them. It meows. The cats are highly interested.

And this is my cat. Drinking a half a mug of my husbands water.  
We have been so blessed this year with everything. As I look back on where we were a year ago to where we are now, I feel like our life has direction. We've maybe adjusted our sails a bit and changed direction, but that's ok. We are both happy and both so thankful for our beautiful little girl. We were just saying today that, even though we were trying to get pregnant with her, we didn't think it would ever actually happen. She was the best, most happy "surprise" (I use that term loosely) we could have ever asked for. So thankful that this little girl has come into our lives and is changing it in so many ways. 

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