Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This time of year, I always get super sentimental about the year that has passed. SO much has changed for us in the past year and so much of it is for the better. Although we would both like a home to call our own, we've come a long way from where we were a year ago and, honestly, this is where we need to be right now. 

Today I was thinking of all the work I've done for the Christmas holiday- it has been a LOT. I'm so blessed to be able to do all of these things for others. Giving to others is beyond one of my favorite things to do and to be able to make the items I'm giving is an even better feeling. Matt asked me what I want for Christmas this year. I don't want anything for myself really and I haven't asked for anything for just me. Honestly, we share the best gift we could have been given this year. 

I remember wondering what the feeling of a little life kicking my belly from the inside would feel like. It is probably the best feeling ever. It ALMOST feels like there's a muscle twitch in your belly and then all of a sudden, it just rolls and rolls. Tough to describe but suffice to say- it's the best. That is probably my biggest blessing and gift for Christmas this year. Knowing my girl is safe and sound in my belly. The wondering if "will we ever have a baby?" being over and being able to see her beautiful face in a few months. I couldn't have asked for anything better. 

Merry Christmas Layla. I hope you know, you are the best gift to your mommy and daddy in 2012.

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