Sunday, December 30, 2012

Third Trimester!

I have officially reached the Third Trimester. SCORE! Only 12 more weeks (ish) until our beauty arrives and we are absolutely on the edge of our seats waiting to meet her!

I have been SICK this weekend (and I mean really sick) but I needed to document the beginning of the end appropriately :). 

You've probably noticed I'm huge. Sometimes, I have a hard time dealing with just how big I am for only 28 weeks. Not because I'm worried about losing weight (because, let's face it, I've hardly gained any) but because I don't feel like myself. It's totally worth it to have this beautiful baby and really, I've been very blessed in the way of stretchmarks so far (only one small one!). Matt said today "you should be proud you have a big belly. That's our baby!". So from now on, I'm attacking it with that attitude. That's my baby in there and I don't care how huge I get- I'm so beyond proud of her and us for creating her- all on our own!

I'm hoping we can get our actual maternity photos done at the end of this month. I've contacted a photographer which I'm very excited about working with and we're looking for some snowy photos- which shouldn't be too hard these days! We've gotten like a million inches of snow and I think we're probably going to get a bit more :). I'm excited!!! 

But, I'm off to fight off this stupid cold! I hope it goes away soon!

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