Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I went to bed last night at about 10pm and woke up at about 3:30am. It is 2013. A good year for us, I can feel it!

SO many positive things happened for us in 2012. There a few negative things here and there but the good outweighs the bad every time. Here's a look back at some of our favorite moments.

Our beautiful new apartment!

Laughing with my grammie and my mom

The Supermoon!

Found this while on a beach stroll.

One of my favorite smiles :)

My 2 beautiful stepsisters and I. I was pregnant here and didn't know it yet!

My adorable step niece Lily trying to force feed us yellow gummies. They weren't her fav.

A tantalizing prospect will come your way. And then- it did.

My husband and I at the top of the world. My most favorite spot <3

Fresh warm smooshy blueberries. YUM!

Quahog tide!

The day our world changed forever <3

Our defining moment of 2012. Seeing this beautiful baby for the first time. Love <3.

Another one of my favorite smiles. Love this little girl <3

My great grammie and I. Layla's great great grammie!

My first maternity clothes!

Back when I could still see my toes.

Our beautiful baby girl <3

My favorite. A sleeping, snuggling Layla Rae. SO in love with this little girl.

I can honestly say, announcing the gender was one of my favorite things. I can't wait until we have more baby Colby's  so we can make more announcements! :).

Our Christmas card photo :).

Love this little guy <3

My favorite instagram moments!

And now, it's 2013. Even though I started off my year with a double ear infection AND a sinus infection (and running on about 18 hours of sleep over the course of 5 days), I can feel that this will be a good year for us. We're buying our girls nursery set this week, we've applied for a mortgage, we're looking at homes, and have I mentioned- we only have 12 weeks until we get to meet our sweet girl? There is a lot of stress in our home, but a lot of excitement. 

Like I said, 2012 was a good year. A lot of people are glad to leave it behind, but honestly, I'm happy with all aspects of how the year went. We moved, we spent more time at the beach, we made a baby (finally!), we made the decision to buy a home, we both got new jobs where we are happier and a lot more. There have been a few bad moments. We've lost friendships due to distance or poor decisions, we've (of course) had minor fights here and there, we've both been sick a few times, we had to make the life changing decision to leave our jobs and move 2.5 hours north of what had become normal for us for 3 years and away from a city (seriously, all major cities are 45 minutes away. We only shop if we need to!)...but I'd say that there were more positive moments than negative. We have a lot to focus on in 2013 and I refuse to let any negativity bring me down. Matt, Layla and I are ready for the new year and any challenges it may bring. 

My resolution for 2013 is to learn as much as I can, appreciate as much as I can,  judge as little as I can, and spend as much time enjoying my husband and baby girl as I can. 

With ALL of that said, I think it's time for me to try and go back to sleep. This illness is really taking a toll on me and I've barely slept. I cough constantly, my ears are in constant pain, my nose is stuffed so I'm always sneezing. It sounds like a normal cold but it isn't a cold at all. I was worried about getting pleurisy (had it before and it is the WORST!) but the doctor said, and I quote, "your lungs sound great". So I guess 5 straight days of hacking and coughing isn't causing pleurisy. Although it is exhausting me and my lungs. Layla, on the other hand, seems to be unscathed. She's wiggling around in there like a worm. It is such a blessing to have her as a part of our lives. I can't wait for her to actually get here!

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