Tuesday, February 12, 2013

34 Weeks!

34 weeks is a great place to be during pregnancy. Your back doesn't hurt (too much), your baby squirms around and you've still got some time to set things up. We're doing pretty good in that department. The urge to clean and organize has finally hit me and I'm constantly trying to clean. Of course my husband all but shoves me back on to the couch and tells me to rest my aching back and feet while he does it. Thankfully, he works all day Saturday so, even though I'll miss him all day, I'll be happily cleaning away :). 

This is my HUGE 34 week belly. She has dropped quite a bit in the past couple weeks and she's all up front now. It does bother my back a lot but I can't complain too much. I LOVE to feel her move around and trying to guess what part of her I'm touching. The other night, Matt was 95% sure we were both touching her butt hahahaha! I had my 34 week appointment today and they measured her at 5 pounds 1 oz and actually a day BEHIND schedule- bumping her due date back to March 24th. Matt's mother will be thrilled because this is her birthday! I am SO ready to meet our baby girl that the extra day kinda crushed me a little...but, we waited for her for 3 years, what's one more day? I also met with the pediatrics office in town...it wasn't a 100% terrific meeting, but it was a meeting. 

Sunday was SUCH a great day :). On Saturday night, my mom asked if I wanted to go visit my great grandmother for her famous chocolate cake and sweet sauce. I'm not one to turn down cake- ESPECIALLY her chocolate cake and sauce so obviously I was all over it. Sunday morning, I woke up on my own time, watched Peyton Place (one of my favorites!) and just relaxed. It was so great. We went out to eat which was a big mistake. Made me a little nauseus but we made our way over to Great Grammies for cake. When we walked through the door of her apartment complex, about 3 billion women came screaming at me "SURPRISE!!!!!". No cake. No sauce- just a baby shower! It was SO amazing! Layla got some really great gifts and stuff we really actually needed. I have another one coming my way in about a week and a half and I'm totally soaking it up. My baby girl has a lot of love surrounding her- she is super blessed. She got a LOT of home made blankets and other gifts...we were so blessed. I just loved showing all the gifts to Matt when I came home. The best part about the next shower is that it's a boy and girl shower so he'll get to hear all the women screech when I hold up a really cute dress. That was my favorite part! I got a couple of crawlers that had animals on the butt and every single woman in the room said a variation of "ahhhh!!! HOW CUTE!!!!" at the same time. I loved it! Not to mention, we had root beer floats. Could it get more perfect? I think not. 

Well I'm off....to sit on the couch. My back is KILLING me today. 

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