Saturday, February 9, 2013

Finding Nemo.

So, in case you haven't heard yet, Maine has a blizzard going on. It was supposed to end this afternoon but it's not looking good. Winds are still howling and snow is still blowing. It's to the point where we can't tell if it's snowing or just existing snow blowing around out there. Needless to say, I haven't left the house all day long. Matt tried this morning to go shovel but the snow on our porch was up to his CHEST! He couldn't even shovel! So, we've been house bound. After last nights visit to Labor and Delivery, I was only too happy to have a lazy day at home. It has been simply amazing.

Windows were CLOSED all night and yet, this blew in!

My sweet kitty enjoying the blizzard from the warmth of the inside.

Here's the good news, our cars are cleaned off!

They were skeptical of the snow/wind combo.

Our back porch. Front porch is completely snow free. Snow drifts are fun!

We have been able to get a little cleaning done tonight which is good. I'm about to go cook some pizza so we can snuggle up and have a movie night :). 34 week photos coming tomorrow!

OH and, since I'm blogging and I want chocolate, I thought to ask for your vote :). Click the photo below to help us out!

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