
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Well, as of today, I'm officially in my 10th month of pregnancy. I NEVER in a million years thought I'd be 10 months pregnant. EVER. Let me just say, I am pretty miserable. My back hurts, my feet swell, my RLS won't quit, I've been having non productive contractions for 3+ weeks...and the list could go on. We went into labor and delivery yesterday convinced I was in labor but, I'm still just 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I've given up on her coming on her own. I know, it sounds really pessimistic but, it's just my instinct. My next appointment is Tuesday and, if there's still no progression, I'm going to ask if we can induce at some point. I can hardly walk most of the time. Getting up off the couch is such a huge challenge. She's only station -3 right now. She's not even engaged :(. I cannot tell you how frustrating that was to hear yesterday. I cried for over an hour as reality hit that she's probably not going to come on her own. I really didn't want to induce...but I cannot do this anymore. I am seriously down and out. I know, I'm complaining a lot for someone who isn't even overdue yet. But for almost a month now I've been having these contractions. OH, and have I mentioned that- size wise- she measures a week and a half ahead of my due date? I love having my girl so close and being able to feel and see her move and kick...but I'm ready to meet her. Both Matt and I are so frustrated with the whole process right now. It's slow moving, and we aren't patient people!

This is us on my due date. I'm hoping she's born with the trait of punctuality...but I'm not holding my breath. Over the past 2 days, I've probably walked 5 miles trying to get her out. But, until she comes, I've been researching as much as I can on breast feeding, labor and delivery and what signs I might expect to see. Even though I've already been experiencing the signs of labor (except for my water breaking), it doesn't hurt I suppose. I've also been researching ways to bring on labor naturally- and tried them ALL (except castor oil) and guess what? None of them work. So, at this point, I'm just waiting until Tuesday for him to tell me there is no progression again and hopefully he'll want to induce me. 

Come on Layla Rae! We're ready for you!

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