
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


FINALLY some progression has been made. Not much but a little! I'm at 1cm and 50% effaced. I seriously almost burst into tears of happiness when he told me that news. I want nothing more than for Layla to show her sweet face- preferably tonight. But, I'm keeping an open mind. Although I would love to see her sooner rather than later, she calls the shots. I'm slowly coming to acceptance of that fact. Although, with every little movement I feel, I expect a gush of fluid to come out and have to rush to the I guess I haven't fully accepted it :).

Meanwhile, it's the day before Spring and it's been snowing all day long. I chose to stay home- I'm not really a fan of the idea of going into labor on the side of the road. SO, I sat home and, in between doctors appointments and housework, I watched the snow fall. It was pretty but, I am ready for Spring to be here!

Everyone says snowstorms bring on babies. I sure hope so!

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