
Monday, March 18, 2013

Layla: the next Mia Hamm

This video is from the other day. I mean to blog it with my 39 week post but forgot all about it- how could that happen!? This is my sweet baby girl squirming all around inside my belly. She moves less often now because she is running out of room but, as you can see, when she does move- she moves a LOT!

My appointment is tomorrow- I'm REALLY hoping for some progression. ANYTHING- even just a fingertip would be terrific. I've been in SO much pain for the past few weeks and today, it only got worse. I'm trying REALLY, really hard to remain positive- I'm almost at the end and soon, I'll be holding my sweet girl in my arms and kissing her face for the first time. In the mean time, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I seem to have lost 100% control of my own bladder for the time being, I no longer have a "sexy walk" and probably won't for a while and, my own pajamas don't fit me anymore. My PAJAMAS are too small. 

But I cannot wait to see her face. I just....can't.

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