
Sunday, March 3, 2013

37 weeks and waiting.

We are now officially waiting for Layla to get here. I don't think I could be more physically ready for Layla's arrival. There are a lot of aches and pains associated with the last month of pregnancy that I hadn't really prepared myself for...there are lots of emotional aches and pains as well. My back hurts, my belly hurts, Layla is really low so when she kicks- yowza! My neck hurts, my feet and legs hurt- and blow up like sausages! Like seriously, the other day I had a hard time finding my ankles! Because of all this, it can be hard to maintain a positive outlook on my image. Most of the time, I feel very unattractive. Matt is constantly telling me that I'm not- but it feels like he's wrong. I can barely get out of a chair most of the time and then I spend a good amount of time waddling to wherever it is I need to go. I can no longer reach the faucet without turning sideways. I know I'm not fat (pregnant and fat are 2 different things) but boy, it feels it sometimes. My face has just a small amount of swelling which is only really noticeable if you're me. I've been very fortunate in that department! I haven't really had a ton of swelling north of the belly. Just my legs/feet! Contractions have become a daily part of life for me now. They are uncomfortable but, for the most part, I can breathe through them and be fine. I've found that if I do more physical work or am stressed, they are way worse. So, I try and relax a lot of the time. I'm going to be mentioning that to my doctor this week. Yes- I'm down to weekly appointments! We're ALMOST to the end here people! I couldn't be more excited!

Here's me and my HUGE 37 week belly!

Don't mind my "I haven't showered since Friday" look. I'm preparing for when I can't shower for days at a time. lol jk, I just didn't feel like showering yet today!

Because we're going to be moving, and there's going to be a bit of a transition, Layla doesn't get a nursery RIGHT away. Although I am totally and completely bummed about not being able to paint her room and put the special touches to it that I want to, I am super thankful that this will give us time to have her sleeping in our room with us. Thankfully, our room is big enough to accommodate her cradle, dresser and my new rocking chair! Signs of a little girl coming home are ALL over the house- most especially in our room! Once she's home, the swing will be out in the living room as well as her bouncer. It's so exciting to see little bits of her all over the house :).

This is my attempt at learning prefolds and covers. These are Bummi's but I ordered some Thirsties covers today! I'm excited!!

I get these updates every week through the Baby Center app. They are my FAVORITE! They let me know (with approximation) what's going on with Layla and give me a rough estimate of how big she is. It's so exciting to know that she, literally, could come at any time now! One day within the next 3-4 weeks, we'll be holding our gorgeous baby girl. I would be lying if I said it didn't thrill me to my core!

Well, now that Layla's hospital bag is all packed, I guess it's time to start packing mine and Matt's! I was at a loss for a while as to what to pack for the both of us. I've gotten a TON of great suggestions and I'm going to be putting some of them to use!

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