
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


My appointments are weekly now. I went in today thinking to myself "I must surely have dilated some this weekend with all those contractions!". I was SO wrong. The doctor said I "may have made progression" but it's basically too soon to tell. He's doing the official check next week. I seriously left and started crying. I've been completely miserable since Friday night and it continues. Contractions, back pain, bad bad heart burn. I'm anxious to meet her! He did say she's looking healthy and beautiful in there which made me feel better. This whole time I assumed she was head down but- I guess not. Well guess what? She is now! My doctor basically put her in head down position today and holy OUCH! Before, I thought she felt like a bowling ball but now- it is WAY way more! It seriously feels like someone stuffed a cantaloupe up there. This just gives her more access to kicking painful things...but I honestly don't mind. I've taken to driving on bumpy roads. I'm trying to walk as much as possible (even though it is seriously painful) and yes- the tried and true methods are being used as well. I'm ready for her to be born. Although, I absolutely refuse to try the castor oil stuff. YUCKKKKKK.

Anyways, we're ready for her to be here. We're ready to kiss her face. To love her. To hold her. And to be a family of three. 

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