
Saturday, March 9, 2013

38 weeks!

As of right now, I am 38 weeks pregnant. I have been beyond exhausted this past week. I've been having minor contractions all week long, my back is aching, my feet are swelling, I've been nauseus here and's all exhausting. I say the contractions are minor...they felt major until last night when I learned just what a major contraction could be. Holy moly! I was woken from a dead sleep with a seriously bad strong pain. I was sweating, trying to wasn't good. I couldn't walk, I couldn't talk to wake Matt up. I felt awful. But, it lasted maybe a minute and then, just as quickly as it came it was gone! I fell asleep for maybe an hour and had another big one. Same thing happened and it left very quickly. I woke up this morning at about 5:30 and felt SO refreshed! I had a ton of energy and was able to do some major cleaning without feeling completely wiped out. It was great! The best part was that I actually WANTED to do major cleaning. I haven't wanted to do anything for the past week because I've been so uncomfortable but today, everything was different. I felt like I was in my second trimester again. After the house was clean, I spent the day with my mom and had a visit with my great grandmother. 

Meanwhile, Layla is doing great. She's still moving in there, although she is moving quite a bit less- mostly because she doesn't have as much room as she used to. She's growing and growing a LOT! She is so super heavy. I have my next appointment on Tuesday and I'll be getting the official "check" and I'm really hoping he'll measure Layla for me so we can know approximately how big she is. My estimation was 7 pounds...but now I'm thinking more like 7.5-8 pounds. She's going to be a big girl! She has this new thing that she does where she presses downward and it is intense! It almost takes my breath away sometimes. I can't wait to see what she looks like and kiss that sweet face I've been dreaming of since I was a little girl. 

Here's my big girl taking up all the room in my big belly!

Both Matt and I are mentally preparing ourselves for the fact that, in the next few weeks, we'll be a family of three. It's going to be so great. I am very much looking forward to it! 

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