
Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Joys of 39 weeks!

I am 39 weeks pregnant today. I have to say, I honestly didn't think I'd make it to 39 weeks and assumed she'd come early. Wishful thinking? Yes, most definitely. The past couple of days have been pretty painful for me- contractions have been coming in irregular waves. Nothing major and I'm pretty sure they are braxton hicks contractions. They do hurt quite a bit though. Mix that with a TON of pressure from her and the fact that she feels like a bowling ball sitting right between my legs- walking across the room can be a chore! Matt has been SO great about keeping me resting. The doctor has told me to keep walking so I try my hardest to walk as much as possible. We went out this morning and I walked around quite a bit- she was really pressing down and it hurt a LOT so I kept the walking to a minimum. But, I did some light housework as well. Today, I've been very, VERY sluggish. I can't get enough sleep.

Here's my gigantic belly. 39 weeks and counting!

My view when my feet are up (you know, to bring the swelling down!). 

For the past few weeks, I've been obsessing over breast feeding. This book has some great info on breast feeding and formula feeding. Honestly, I have yet to stray away from those sections much...which I know I should. I need to read the section on sleep. Because I'm not getting any sleep right now and I'd LOVE to sleep once Layla arrives!

So this has been my face for the past month. A mixture of fear, sleep deprivation and excitement. I'm more than ready for our sweet girl to get here- I'm not super great at sharing and I've been sharing my body now for 9 months. I have my next appointment on Tuesday morning and I'm REALLY hoping for some progression. I have been so uncomfortable for the past few weeks and am ready for this part of my pregnancy to be over.

But seriously, when can we have another baby?

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