Saturday, April 27, 2013

90 Years, 5 Generations.

My Great Grandmother turns 90 this month. That's Layla's Great Great Grandmother. 5 Generations were gathered around today to celebrate with her and it was fabulous. These aren't all the photos but they are my favorite :).

Admittedly, this is not from today. But my girl is so cute, even when she's crying! I would like it noted that I didn't just sit there and let her cry. I came, picked her up and made her feel better almost instantly!

Great Grammie and her daughters!

5 Generations!

Layla and her Great Great Grammie!

Sorry, but she's the most beautiful baby.... ever. 

It was her boyfriends birthday celebration as well- both of them 90 years young!

This is how I like to think of my Great Grandmother. Laughing. I learned to laugh at life from her. 

Always fear a 90 year old wielding a knife.

My cousins little one, Jocelyn, and her Great Great Grammie exchanging some laughs. They are both adorable!

Her eyes are so blue they are almost purple. And no signs of changing yet! I love my purple eyed, red headed bebe!

Layla and her Great Grammie!
Tomorrow, we are heading out to breakfast and spending the day together. I'm excited at the idea of just relaxing with my husband and my baby girl. We do have a few errands to run in the morning but, after that, it's just us, and some snuggles. Layla's had a bit of a belly ache today- even with an extremely low grade fever. She doesn't have much interest in eating, she has a bit of extreme pooping going on and she can't seem to wake herself up. I've been worried about dehydration so I've been feeding her as much as she'll keep down. She's spit up a few times and is just fussy in general. It's the first time I've ever had a sick baby...I will not likely sleep tonight at all!

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