Saturday, December 21, 2013


Christmas is here. We are so excited!

She has two teeth. Can you spot them?
This is Layla saying "TA DA!". Yes she does this when you say "TA DA!". It's pretty hilarious and very adorable. She seems to not have any concept of Christmas (not that I expected her too) and her innocence towards the holiday is really refreshing. She doesn't ask for big expensive toys, she doesn't care if we buy her anything at all- she'll be just as happy waking up Christmas morning with extra snuggles and kisses. But of course, she has gifts coming. Toys, clothes, bath stuff- I'm sure we'll have a refreshed toybox, some dresser drawers, and bath items by the time Christmas is over. I'm VERY excited for Christmas with my girl. This week we've been reading a Christmas story every night before bed and tomorrow we're making Christmas ornaments and Santa cookies. It's going to be SO much fun. Every year, about 3 or 4 days before Christmas, the Christmas Spirit EXPLODES out of me and I can't escape the Christmas carols, cookies, sweets, lights, presents, ribbons- no one can really. It encompasses my whole and if you are within a 5 mile radius, you can feel it. I LOVE celebrating such a beautiful holiday and such great times with family. I'm so glad we can include Layla in this holiday for the first time ever. I've waited so long to have her in my life- Christmas is just a bonus with her. 

Pictures of our amazing day tomorrow to come. And I may or may not include my favorite Christmas song.

Actually, why wait?

You're welcome.

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