Sunday, December 29, 2013


Layla got everything she didn't even know she wanted. So blessed. 

She's so lucky she has the most beautiful eyes in the world. I mean really, how can you disagree?

In case you don't watch the news, Maine was hit HARD with an ice storm last week. Conveniently- right before Christmas! Oddly enough, where we live was one of the hardest hit areas in the state. Little ole Waldo County. We lost power Monday afternoon and didn't get it back until Thursday. We bounced around from house to house carrying presents, toys, baby clothes, baby food and of course- baby. It was very hectic but, we were very blessed with everything we needed. SO thankful for all the line workers from different companies- all over the COUNTRY- here in Maine working to get power back to us so we could have heat, water and electricity again. They missed holidays with their families to be here helping us so I am extremely grateful for them. The day after Christmas I was in McDonalds getting my morning iced coffee and I over heard a bunch of line workers telling other restaurant patrons that they were here from Connecticut. People immediately started offering to buy them breakfast, or coffee- whatever they needed. The sense of thanks was great that morning. It made me proud to be a Mainer :).

And now, we are about to get hit again. Layla's daycare has already closed for tomorrow and we are gearing up for another 3-6 inches (in our area). This on top of the ice that's barely melted at all yet. Our trees are VERY heavy. Sagging to the ground heavy. Adding extra snow on them will only make things worse so, for everyone who is in a sunny warm state, be thinking of us up here chipping our way into our cars after we've shoveled through inches of snow to get there! 

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