Sunday, March 30, 2014


It happened. My bunny is One.

Her birthday was a huge success. An Easter Egg Hunt, presents, DELICIOUS carrot cake (made by daddy) with yummy cream cheese frosting (made by me!), Peter Rabbit EVERYWHERE and lots and lots of family and friends. Children everywhere, giggles, clapping- it was perfect. I opted to enjoy the moment rather than taking a bunch of photos all day. But trust me when I say- it was perfect. I relied on other to take the photos and the end result is just what I wanted to remember. The vision of Layla as others see her. 

And now, we move on to bigger things. MILK in her bottle, walking (ie running) everywhere, talking, eating big girl foods. She's no longer a baby- she's a toddler and she's into everything. But, I love her determination and her exploratory demeanor. She's constantly giggling and laughing...however, when she DOES throw a tantrum, watch out!

She knows the following words: More, Please, Thanks, Mommy, Daddy, Cat, OK, Water (I use this one loosely). And the walking- OH the walking. Everywhere! Literally- EVERYWHERE! She's just amazing. It's so hard to leave her during the day and go to work- but when I come home and she smiles, gives me a hug and then "talks" to me about her day, nothing is better. I can honestly say, there are no harder days then the days when I have to leave her ALL day long. And honestly, I don't think you could understand how hard that really is, unless you're a parent who works outside the home. It is HARD. There are days I still cry. One day, maybe I'll get my chance to be a stay at home mom...but until then, I have bills to pay. 

Well, I'm off to enjoy my day with my favorite girl <3

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