
Sunday, May 4, 2014

I fell in love with an American Child.

Red, White and Baby Blues.

I'd like to note that eating dirt never killed a person.
2 years ago, we didn't have a Layla. We only had a dream, a vision- a wish, for these beautiful blue eyes to be in our lives. And now, she's here. She's determined, she's stubborn and she is FULL of personality. There are so many positives to this: she won't take no for an answer, she knows what she wants and goes and gets it, she's type A personality.

But, there are negatives as well- she won't take no for an answer, she knows what she wants and goes and gets it...she's type A personality. While all of these traits will help her when she's older, they can be challenging while in the toddler stage. She knows how to test our patience...but, it's something we all work on. We're working on hitting right now. This really picked up this weekend. We're working on her verbal skills to be able to SPEAK to us when she's feeling upset (although, it's usually pretty obvious by the instant crying and limp body), I actually WANT her to say "no" and then understand my response when "no" is not an option. It's a work in progress- but, we'll get there. As we do with everything else. As they say "this too shall pass".

The wind is tough to tame...but she tries to catch it anyways.
Her determination will get her far in life so I don't want to squash it completely. I want her to voice her opinion. To develop reasoning skills- to debate. Even if it's over something as simple as changing her diaper or eating her vegetables. I want her to know that she has an opinion and how to voice it. She is FULL of voice. She blabbers to us like she's having a real conversation- sometimes for 10-20 minutes. If we can turn those into real words- imagine what she will say?! 

But for now, she is 1. I understand she will not love everything she has to do. She will throw tantrums in public and I will expect people to understand that she is 1 and doesn't want to put the crayons away right now and it is a big deal to her. The best I can do is validate her concerns as only a mother can do and give her a compromise (I've been giving her compromises since she was about 9 months old. They've finally started to sink in). 

Good LORD. Those beautiful curly blonde wisps...makes you  jealous right?

She's turning into a little girl before my eyes. 

Her new "squatty potty" pose. It's a real thing. No joke.

And, did I mention, she LOVES dirt?

As a side note, this entire outfit cost me $3. Second hand baby fashion: I'm a boss at it.
With every stage of childhood, there are challenges. But, challenges aren't a new thing in this family. We got this one, I just know it!

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