
Friday, May 2, 2014


I'll admit, I haven't watched a rugby game in a few years. But, I tossed the hubby's ball around with my girl today. I use the word "tossed" VERY loosely.

Future Rugger!

That's her daddy's smile.

Ah Spring in Maine. Almost 70 today. Overcast (I thought we were going to get rained on but the sun persevered!) and a little breezy. It was the perfect day for a playdate outside. And we enjoyed ourselves as much as we could going out again before bedtime. If the weather is nice again tomorrow (which it is supposed to be!) we are heading to the park for some fresh, crisp ocean air to fill our lungs :).

Meanwhile, Layla is a walking talking toddler. It's crazy how fast she's grown up. Her new favorite word? "quack". What does a ducky say Layla? "quack quack!" *birds chirping outside* "quack quack!" *the neighbors rooster crows* "quack quack!" *she sees a picture of a bird* "quack quack!". All birds quack. Didn't you know that? The changes she's going through and the things she is learning so quickly is just...well, frightening, really. She knows where her belly is, her nose, her eyes, her hair, her ears...She knows where her mouth is but only when she's stuffing it full of food (preferably cheese. Her favorite food on this earth). And today, I bit the bullet and bought her ketchup. Organic ketchup with no HFCS...but still, ketchup. Me: the overly picky mother who only feeds her kid the healthiest of going to let her daughter dip her eggs in ketchup tomorrow. *sigh* what is happening to me? What is happening to her? She's growing. So. Fast.

Well, my little blonde curly haired baby is down for the night so I guess I should follow suite. 

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