
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I guess, although it's still officially Summer, Fall is really here. About a week ago, I refused to admit Summer was over. But, it is. This past weekend, we made an hour drive up to Treworgy Orchards in Levant, ME and spent a few hours picking apples, looking for pumpkins and having a hay ride. We had a great time and Layla had a TON of apples to feast on. 

She LOVES to feed the goats.

That smile. I love it.

This is the face of determination.
Layla knew all her crayon colors tonight. I'm totally NOT bragging or anything *coughyesiamcough* but seriously, my child is a genius. I mean really, she amazes me every day. After we learned colors tonight, I asked her to put her crayons back in her box and put the box on her coloring table and guess what? SHE DID IT! She's cutting her canine's right now and her two pointy's on the bottom so life is pretty hard for her. She's SUPER clingy and pretty whiney (only with me though, ironically). I lucky out and get a ton of snuggles all the time! 

I'm hoping we can either hit up a fair or go apple picking again this weekend. So far, she's really loved to experience fall. In a few weeks, we're going to get out the perfect pumpkin and have a pumpkin painting party like we did last year. I'm so excited to see what creativity blossoms with her again. Her BIG present from Santa came the other day- an art easel. I am SO excited to get it set up for her on Christmas and have her paint a beautiful picture. We got a great deal on it too! Bought it through IKEA for $25. All the good ones I was looking at on Amazon were $100+ so when I saw that price, I nabbed it! I know I know, I constantly tout that Christmas isn't about presents- and it isn't. But Santa only brings 4 things in our house so when Santa gets a good deal, it's worth bragging about :). 

Anyways, this mama is off to bed. I'm sure my sleeping beauty will wake me in a few hours for snuggles while she gets through her teeth coming through. Hopefully she sleeps right on through the night but I'm not getting my hopes up TOO high!

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