
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Once upon...

Once upon the last day of a golden summer.... -Winnie The Pooh

Today was the last day of Summer. Not really, that was a few days ago...but with temps in the 80's and it being the end of just felt so nostalgic. I wore SHORTS. Layla wore a dress, we sweated and complained about the heat. We had a popsicle after dinner and drank ice cold Lemonade. It was the last day of summer. Autumn is here now and, I'm ready to fully embrace the pumpkin spice craze. I've already had a pumpkin spice iced coffee...more than once. And I've already eaten a pumpkin pie blizzard at DQ. My birthday is in a few short days which means it's officially fall time now. We are planning on painting pumpkins with Layla in the next few weeks and I'm SO excited!

This smile. It generally means she's about to do something she shouldn't.

Fall is here now and I'm so glad. I've already started Christmas shopping and hunting. Santa is bringing his four best gifts to our house :) We learned this year that Layla is a HUGE artist. She loves to paint, color, draw and anything else you can possibly imagine. So, Santa MAY be bringing her an art easel, art supplies, a smock and some art books :). We just got Pop Warhol's Top and it is the freakin CUTEST book ever! Santa typically does the "One thing you want, one thing you need, one thing you wear, one thing you read" deal so we don't get too carried away with the "presents" and we get more carried away with spending time enjoying eachother. I'm so beyond excited to spend this Christmas with my favorite girl.

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