Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Fair.

We went to the fair this past weekend and had a great time. 

Windsor Fair 2014.
My kind of farm. P.S. they served maple ice cream. Pretty sure I ate 10 pounds.

This thing was so cool. When you look inside, the pictures were 3D!

No joke. This guy saw my camera and posed for me.

This bird hates humans.


Love her eyes. So much.

The guy on stilts? Such a weirdo but, clearly enjoys a good time :)

This girl? She LOVES herself a pony ride!

She also LOVES to feed sheep!

A great time was had by all and I gained about 30,000 pounds. It was worth it though. This weekend is FULL of adventure! Company picnic, birthday parties, motorcycle rides. We're going to have a great time and I can't wait! I live for weekends with my favorite girl :)

Going to help daddy in the garden.

I'm pretty sure I gave birth to the cutest baby on the planet.

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